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Accountability for Women using Abuse in intimate Relationships (AWAIR)



Violence and Abuse in Interpersonal Relationships is not OK and can lead to the end of a relationship. Although men account for approximately 80% of perpetrators, women (those born women or who identify as women) have used violence and abuse against both male and female partners as well as persons who identify non-binary and trans. This group is designed to provide education and intervention to stop the violence, abuse and control.  

Information for Participation

  • Participants may be self referred, referred by the Courts, or probation, therapists, employers, EAP's etc.

  • 20 week synchronous online program with required asynchronous assignments.

  • Insurance not accepted. Self pay or Self Submit (Statement can be provided.)

  • May require disclosures to referral source and/or victim for safety purposes.

  • Must complete entire program to receive letter of completion.

  • Must have access to a private space while participating, a computer, tablet or cell phone with a camera and microphone, and internet


Is this Program for Me?

Yes, if you have engaged in the following with your partner:

Physical Assault: Hitting, Punching, hair pulling, using weapons, kicking, strangulation etc.

Sexual Abuse: Forcing the partner to do something sexually. Manipulating the partner sexually, Humiliating the partner sexually

Coercive Control: Threats, Intimidation, Denial and Gaslighting, Name calling, Humiliation, Threats, Using children and family, Economic Abuse, Abusing Privilege and Power, Stalking, Isolating.

This is not a complete list. If your partner tells you he, she or they are afraid, or that you are hurting them, that may be due to abuse and control. Get Help Now!

Set up an initial screening appointment at

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